
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in toronto havanese puppies (85)


Tomorrow the Day?

Raylan is one point away from his championship and we are hoping tomorrow he gets it.

He is an amazing dog. He walks into the show without a care in the world. The big dogs come by and he wants to say hello to everyone, dog and human alike.

Do you know how many people have come up to us to say he is sooooooo cute and he is starting to believe it. hahahaha


Raylan at Elora

We thank Coco's mom Carol and Mary Lou for coming to see us. It means a lot to us. We also had many others coming to see Raylan and all we kept hearing was he has the cutest face and is ever so friendly and sociable etc. That was nice to hear. He is a special guy.

Raylan received a point today and now he is 2 points away from championship.

My hand now has shooting pain up the arm. I know I am in trouble as I have more grooming to do but we will do what we need to and have a stiff gin and tonic with a twist of lime and maybe I won't care. I am not a drinker so 1 would do it. hahahaha

Tomorrow I wash Raylan tomorrow then off to the show.

Now off to snuggle the pups... Is it only 645pm? Only?


Bathing How Often?

Fiona had a bath today and she smells ever so good. Soon we will find out if we have pregnancies with Fiona and Treasure and call it a day till 2012. Pups going home in early spring will be nice.

Treasure is already having morning sickness and I have no doubt that Fiona is pregnant too.

Today was busy. I did my usual grooming and tomorrow we are off to a show with Raylan for the next few days returning home late each day. We will still be updating but photos will be slow.

I just picked up something heavy and messed up my hand. Here I thought it was almost healed. How silly.

So, I am off to rest it and ice it. Later!

PS: I bathe approx. every 2 weeks or when dirty.


Dog Butts..and All That Havanese Stuff

You never know who you are going to meet at handling class. Last class we got to see Havanese puppies from someone we know that kept them in her car for safety. She just wanted us to have a look see and we appreciated it.

As the crew went around to practice their stuff, I kept capturing our small ones and all big dawgs. If it wasn't for us, it would be a big dawg class.

Treasure has to be going through a fear period. Oh, it's not your typical and they all go through it so you have to still get them out there and socialize. But...she started growling at the big dawgs..not in a bad way - more of a vocal chorus to let the others know who is in charge. This can happen when there is a sea of large dogs and one or two small dogs. It's how you handle it that matters. Exposure - conditioning and correcting if their response is inappropriate and proper meeting and greeting. Not all dogs are meant to get up close and personal with your little ones so it is enough for your little one to have its comfort just walking close by as you do in handling classes. To be able to walk in a sea of huge things is good enough and not all dogs in handling class want to play with your little one. One may see your small dog as prey especially if it starts to get into a game of run-like-hell.

You have to assess each situation despite what the owner says and either allow the meet and greet or allow a close proximity without the meet and greet. Both are fine and how YOU react matters. If you are fearful, your dogs will pick up on it and go into protection mode. Then you are left wondering why your dog is not friendly. You have to figure out what emotion you are sending down the lead.

Not all dogs are meant to be your little one's best of pals friend. Some - if you pay attention are sending out signals that are anything but friendly. You must learn what other dogs are saying. Not all owners understand that the reason dogs are reacting to it is what their own dog is saying to others and how you are feeling about the situation. Despite it being fun to 'get' what the other dogs are saying to yours, it's a wise thing to learn.

Think about it..would you be comfortable with everyone invading your personal space?


Kat and Mystery's Pups Have Arrived

Beth from Rockhurst Havanese was kind enough to send over pics of Katsura and Mystery's puppies.

Mommy Mystery is doing well and the pups are eating and snuggling in and competing for 'it's my turn' when it's feeding time. Oh they have plenty of room but it shows their enthusiasm.

We can't wait to see how they have develop. Two girls and the rest boys.

Check out the slideshow.

If interested, send mail to Beth at Rockhurst.


Wild Child Fiona's Play Method

Every Havanese has similar and unique styles of play. I call Fiona's method 'wild' and thus our nickname calling her the 'wild child.'

I can comb Fiona's hair and 2 seconds later, it looks like it was never combed at all. part of that is it has a wild abandonment thing going on with her waves. Yes, there goes that wild word again. Another issue is she sticks her head and scrunches it up immediately and another is she just has this real joy about playing with her packmate Anigail - her most fave Havanese.

Fiona pounces and hops and scats and has this way funny way of showing excitement and 'attitude' that we adore.

each Havanese has their very own personality. Abigail is an old soul in a young body. Oh, she plays her heart out but she has this real calming thing going on where Fiona's personality is a bit more frenetic. if she doesn't get her treat after performing fast enough, she scats her back legs as if she is kicking dirt to tell you that you are too slow or you are not paying attention or she is excited. It's funny as some dogs do this after doing their business but she has incorporated it into her communications to you. You can't help but laugh.

Fiona and Abigail balance each other out and although having 2 pups is walking two, taking two out to train etc - well what you get in return is non stop craziness. I am not sure how we ever did it without 2 pups at once in our lives.

Fiona is now off by herself with her human daddy doing handling class so she can do her first show. Abs is home with me taking a break but getting almost daily training.

but the human around here has been working too hard and the human dad is taking up the slack. With no air - crankiness was setting in. I think we went 5 days without air - yeouch. Don't believe air guys when they say they will come. they may not.

The dogs are happy with the coolness. They may get back into bed with us instead of laying on the bathroom tile. Will we be able to swim this week? Time will tell.


Sunny Havanese Sunday

The Abigail thinks its way too hot to deal with outside so here she is lazing in her new bed she got at Woofstock. It's mighty comfie and she's been nesting in it so the pillow isn't laying real flat but that is the way she loves it.

We were lucky enough to have Gidget and Audrey over for a visit and even managed to get some video. I have to convert it but hoping it comes out.

Where's the thunderstorm that was supposed to happen all day? All I see is sun. So - eating and back to the pool as this is sweating season for sure!
Yeah gad and that means I have to brush Katsuro yet again - oh no.

Well, our visitors will be going home tonight. We are sure they had a wonderful time.

Miss Abs is lounging before doing a show on Friday. More later>>


Brrr Even Havanese Get Cold

We went to handling class today and it was VERY cold. The human mommy had 2 coats on and still was chilly and although it was invigorating to Abs at first, between the large class (they are splitting it up next week) and the dandelions that are way too high, it was not all that fun tonight. We raced home to bring in plants, cover those we prefer not to yank in and get inside to warm up again. Supposedly it already feels like -2. Some summer, eh?

Well, we have another show this week with lots of competition. It's right up the street and we are showing in the afternoon so that means the groomer - me gets to sleep in as well. We believe this venue will allow us to tape so that's what we will do.

Yvonne is showing Lola but will be driving home each day. Between our kids that love to stay up and that single bed - well I don't blame her but hey we can gag the kids, throw in an extra bed and make her extra comfie. ROFL But how will Alex survive.

We are hoping its warm enough to swim so Katsuro and Nathan can jump in the pool and relax this weekend and who knows maybe we will get the Fiona and Abigail in as well. Heck, we need more videos - don't we?

Well, more handling but inside tomorrow and then obedience with the crew - last one and I have to get photos of that. Exciting times with dogs. You know - if you can't just enjoy what they bring - unconditional love - well you are missing what life is all about.


New Havanese Slideshow

The pups are messy as ever from their early morning jaunts outside and my lack of combing them so just ignore and realize the dawgs need fun too - not all that brushing all the time.

Check out what they have been up to today in this slideshow.

We are going to take walks today, socializing the Abs, the Fiona at Petsmart/Home Depot etc as long as the rain stays away. then I will be back at it taking Risa, Kat and the rest of the crew. It's time I get back into shape consistently.

We will also be doing training today - actually going to start with Chico in a few minutes.

More later as the day develops.


Full Lindsay Show Up Now

The playing is back and we are really having a great time. The shows are fun but so are the downtime when we can spend time playing, training and snuggling.

Check out all the show videos below.

It's Abs first show at 6months old and we will be going to a few more soon. But till then, Miss Abs is going to handling tonight and tomorrow night and Miss Fiona and Chico - the fluff ball will be doing obedience classes with Coach. Hey, John - are you practicing with both? Take a look at Chico and Fiona playing their hearts out.

Day 1 Lindsay Show
โ€ข Day 1 Lindsay Show Part 1 of 3
โ€ข Day 1 Lindsay Show Part 2 of 3
โ€ข Day 1 Lindsay Show Part 3 of 3

Day 2 Lindsay Show
โ€ข Day 2 Lindsay Show Part 1 of 3
โ€ข Day 2 Lindsay Show Part 2 of 3
โ€ข Day 2 Lindsay Show Part 3 of 3

Day 3 Lindsay Show
โ€ข Day 3 Lindsay Show Part 1 of 4
โ€ข Day 3 Lindsay Show Part 2 of 4
โ€ข Day 3 Lindsay Show Part 3 of 4
โ€ข Day 3 Lindsay Show Part 4 of 4


Show Day & Then Relax

It was such a productive day for Chico, Fiona and Coach in class last night, Keep up the training and we will kick ahem next week. :-)

Today is the 1st show for the Miss Abs. We got up at 4am and bathed her and an hour and 15 minutes later, daddy was keeping Chico away from her so she wouldn't get messy or dirty. So, she's out sitting with me while Daddy is getting food ready for the clan. Me, I am about to take a shower and then get on the road.

I had to work till almost midnight then up at 4am - yeouch. Needless to say, I am ever so tired.

Then we will come back from the show and get Wasabi washed and relaxed - we think all to start again with packing, organizing, cleaning etc for the next day. Never thought I would say, can't wait till Monday. heh


Havanese Day Has Just Begun

It's almost 7am - let's stretch it and they are doing WHAT!? They are playing their hearts out as if they just found each other AGAIN! Can I ever sleep in? Guess not as Fiona and Miss Abs will go down stairs to go out in the morning with Nathan but the rest wait till I move it or they won't. What's that about?

Then Risa and Gidget sleep in. Nathan crawls back to bed and pretends to and I wake up and can't go back to sleep.

A dawgs start of a day. More later >> It's only JUST begun!


Camera Lovin' Havanese

Sassy is having a bit of Sebastian rub off on her or is that the other way around? The camera comes out and it's strike a pose - such a runway gal.

The crew is up and the 'no bark' is working so well that I pointed my finger - said no bark this morning when a dog in the distance was barking and they are finally getting it. Good one!

Sassy, Wasabi and Sebastian are playing their little hearts out this morning having a roaring good time. After my breakfast, I will bathe her, brush her, Nathan will do her nails and get her ready to be stylin.

Well, it's cold outside. The crew is rolling around having fun and I need my coffee. More later!


Remy Comfort, More on Video & Exercise

Here's a photo of Talemaker's Remy that his new owners sent us. He has 3 kids to play with and I am positive that makes him WAY happy. We hear he is fitting in well. There is always that first few days of - where am I - but then they seem to be falling into the rules of their new home and finding their grounding and comfort. We LOVE hearing from the puppy owners and can't wait till the picnic this year. There's nothing like seeing all the siblings together and we will have Risa's crew, Wasabi's crew and some of Paris (Gidget) crew plus Gidget herself as we always watch some of the Paris (Gidget) crew. Plus if we are really lucky we may have some of Yvonne's crew. How wonderful will that be to see so many Havanese.

We start out - well I start out my day taking the doggies downstairs and outside before I do my exercise. Usually Sassy will go back upstairs and kiss up Nathan's face (hope his new owners love a kissy face) and settle back in with Risa who never deigns to get up. Every now and then if we take Sassy out last thing, she does the same but today the crew all came down minus Risa and its wet and rainy as you can see how they look in this photo but I started exercising. I do p90x - waiting to do p90X+ when it comes to stay in shape, keep my energy up and de-stress if I ever need it. I was erratic while puppies were here as they are our focus but now with less pups, I can get back at it and boy the body is feeling it and the dogs love it. Pounce time on me...

During puppy time, the dogs don't get the walks as a precaution to catching anything and due to Yvonne having pups that we visit, we will stay in that head space till hers are vaccinated. It's important not to take your dogs to dog traffic places till after their shots. But you can do many things at home and socialize them with dogs you know well.

Today the crew, while I did Ab Ripper X - well let's just say I wish someone else was up as the dogs - when I got on the floor saw it as an invitation to play and Sassy was draped on my neck, Shoshi was pouncing on me, Wasabi was trying to pounce on Sassy on my neck all while I was doing abx exercises. It was a riot and I needed it as taking a break from exercises, it almost is like you are starting again falling asleep early - trying to get the body adjusted but well worth it in the long run. It's an amazing program and if you stick with it - 90 days later - wow what a HUGE difference in everything.

Now while I was doing it today, I had to set them aside to actually do it but that was after I was done laughing and laughter is the best medicine. Havanese fill you with laughter and to me that is precious.

If you watched Sebastian and Sassy yesterday, did you notice that Wasabi was still playing mommy and corrected Sassy? If you watch where Sebastian went under the couch, watch what Wasabi did to Sassy. These puppies are both potential alphas but siblings work out their relationship and it gives them a lifetime of understanding how to be the politician when one needs to be. When Sebastian comes to visit, I suspect Wasabi will continue those lessons with the 2 and that will be a huge bonus for both and fun for us to watch. Plus, it gives Wasabi a job. Havanese love having a job - something they can get fulfilled from.

Well off to eat, feed doggies and argh work today. More later.


Two Talemaker Havanese Siblings Reunite

We had approx 2.5 hours of copy and had to cut out a ton but we hope what you enjoy the reunion of these Havanese siblings after 2 weeks. It was wild, crazy and amazingly fun. No, they are not killing each other. They're having a gloriously fun time. This is how Havanese play - especially sibling mates. Thanks goes to Sebastian's mom, Maryanne for bringing him to visit. It's these moments that make this all worth it! The other sibling, Sassy gal and she is Sassy as you will see, goes to her new home soon and will be playing with Sebastian from time to time. What more could we hope for!

Can you imagine what we cut? It was great copy - all 2.5 hours worth with minor camera issues but still a great memory. Thanks!!


Havanese Tug With the Big Ones

Well yesterday we covered Sassy playing with Wasabi and who did you figure ended up being 'Top Dawg' - oh - it wasn't mommy. Sassy usually puts on a good defense with Wasabi but yesterday she won - out and out won even if it was in a mischievous way.

Sassy takes on all comers too. Look at her pulling for all she is worth with Terra. Now Terra knows this game well and she used to play it with Shoshi. She would sometimes let Shoshi win and guess what - she's doing the same with Sassy but all this winning is giving the little girl a big head. Oh oh!

More later...


Happy Havanese New Year

Well, we just got back from having a fab time at our friends Yvonne and Alex. The crew is sitting in their living room sopping wet and they had lots of snow and if I can get a video rendered, you may see then running like the dickens outside having a grand time.

Sassy had her shots so yesterday she was sore but not too bad. She weighed in at 4lbs 6 ounces. Her vet loved her patellas - said wow - really great ones. He thought she was in excellent health and we are glad and he said - oh my this one looks like her mommy - such a beautiful face. That was nice.

We spent a really great time at our friends but one can't sleep with 6 Havanese in a queen size bed. It's way too funny and we had all sorts of issues with technical stuff but hey that calmed down and we watched TV and human daddy snored and Yvonne had to say - ah let's go to bed and Risa was asking for hours already.

Today we tried to render a video but will have to give it a shot here. Till now, you can look at Sassy and her mom out in the backyard at Yvonnes. She soooo adorable in looks and personality - I tell you. Big dogs, little ones - she got her grounding and played in such a short time - it was great to see. Even when Britney (an old Beardie - the leader of the pack at Yvonnes and Alex) was barking she said - what was that and continued on without issue.

I need to eat but wanted to say Sassy did well on the long ride there, the shots, the strange house, the different bed to sleep on and all those doggies to play with. She had a roaring good time and so did the rest of the pack but when we said home, Katsuro got excited then the rest did and they are almost all conked out except Louis, our visitor (who goes home tomorrow - sniff) and Sassy who are playing up a storm. More tomorrow and hopefully a video but too tired tonight to pull it together.

By the way, Sassy has really and I mean really perfected her jumps through snows and her going up and down stairs. Me thinks she's going to be quite the athlete like Wasabi.


Holiday Times

For those that celebrate Christmas, we placed up an article on keeping your Havanese safe during this time.

This is a photo of one of the little ones after tuckering his little body out playing outside. One has to laugh as they didn't like outside at first but for short periods of time to do their business and run around and play - well they come in quite tuckered and need their rest for more exciting times as the day transpires.

For those of you that celebrate, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Bodhi, Eid and any I forget - my apologies from the Talemaker furry crew - may everyone's celebrations bring you amazing fur bearing celebrations that memories are created from and tales are told throughout the years to come.


More One on One Time With Pups

Teaching the puppies to sit seemed to come very easy to these little darlings. Tomorrow we are working on Puppies and Advanced Human Psychology or how to make your new owners sit up and beg!

As most of you know, we had five boys and a single girl in this litter. Naturally the girl is the feistiest of the lot and I love her personality. So, shhh, don't tell Darlah, I made a point of being so busy talking to all our possible new puppy owners about the boys that somehow the girl isn't going anywhere. I'm shocked. Somehow they all assumed the girl was taken. Go figure. Anyway, suddenly my wife noticed. I have orders to find our beautiful, intelligent sassy lassy a home. And I don't want to. So when I say pass the word, "serious enquiries from serious people only," I really mean it. :-) If you know someone interested in our beautiful little girl, please contact us directly.
Thank you.
Nathan (the little known other half of


One on One Time With Pups

We took the pups - one at a time out to the kitchen to test them on how fast they could learn the command 'sit'. We need to do this daily to reinforce it but the gal and Tux wasn't doing so hot (then it dawned on me I can't teach Tux sit - duh as you do not teach a show dog 'sit' at this stage). We used small pieces of Baby Bell Cheese for treats (rewards).

We then changed to chicken pieces (tiny ones) and started taking the other dogs out and either we were getting better at the technique or they simply liked the chicken better. They got the treat/reward for doing something quickly. Nice! Then I went back to the gal and to Tux and tried it with the chicken teaching Tux 'come' between Nathan and I and the gal 'sit' and suddenly they were doing really well. Hmmm must be the treat that counts. We plan to do this daily so you can have a dog that sits on command. Maybe we will teach another command next week to at least get a couple of commands down. This way you will have a start in training.

It shows you that at 8 weeks they are quite receptive to learning. You just have to take the time and if you do - wow - it all comes together and it is so worth it.

Well, no photo tonight. We took a video of the dogs playing with their canine mom but I haven't converted it yet and after a busy weekend, I want to have some downtime so more tomorrow. The pups - they are amazing and quite the fun lot.